The Patient Millionaire - My Money Strategy
Do you make sure your income is put to work the right way?
Not long ago my portfolio value reached $350,000.
Did I invest in Dogecoin? No. I did not.
Did I win the lottery? No. I did not.
So how did I do it?
I did it the patient way.
A solid money strategy
Long term investing
Diversified portfolio
A well-constructed savings regime
Building multiple income streams
What's my story?
I’m a Norwegian guy at the start of my 30’s.
I’ve been interested in finance and stocks for a long time.
It started when I was young and got my first mutual funds. I watched it grow with excitement.
Then in 2018, I started gearing up my savings. I started to read books and read about finance
And I started to track my savings. This is how much money I had invested in every year after I started tracking my investments.
💰 January 2018: $117,000
💰 January 2019: $208,000
💰 January 2020: $268,000
💰 January 2021: $350,000
Now, at the start of 2021, the value of my savings is $353,000
In this book, I share with you my strategy for setting up a long-term portfolio and how I am able to fuel the portfolio with additional money every month. With the ultimate goal of becoming a financially free millionaire.
Who needs this book?
Investors who want to sleep at night
People who want to know how they can invest MORE
People who want to learn about the power of dividend investing
People who want to make sure their portfolio grow every month